1. I love Microbiology (I was expecting to be bored and ended up being fascinated).
2. I am amazed at how little is explained to the general public about how bacteria work.
You might be thinking:
1. That you don't really care about bacteria
2. That my blog is supposed to be about nutrition
3. That you are not in the mood to read through a bunch of scientific mumbo jumbo.
Hey. I get that. But let me show you WHY you should care, how it relates to the food you eat, and in a way that (hopefully) doesn't make you want to take a nap or get out a dictionary. First, we have to talk a little bit about antibiotics. I know... I know. Just bear with me.
Antibiotics were first introduced to the public in 1944 and were considered to be "miracle drugs" used to treat a variety of diseases. There is no "miracle" behind the drugs, which are produced from microorganisms in the soil. Basically, antibiotics target and destroy specific parts of bacterial cells, which ultimately causes the bacteria to die.In 1945 Alexander Fleming, the discoverer of Penicillin, warned the public about the abuse of antibiotics, saying that misuse could lead to mutant strains of bacteria that would be resistant to the new "miracle drug."
Unfortunately, we did not listen. In 1954, 2 million pounds of antibiotics were produced in the U.S.; today the figure exceeds 50 million pounds.
Where are the antibiotics going?
About half of the antibiotics produced in the U.S. each year are used for human treatment, and another 40 percent are given to animals. Some amount of that is used to treat or prevent infection; but the majority is mixed into animal feed and water to promote their growth and prevent infection from unsanitary living conditions.Why do you care?
Antibiotic resistance
So, you are sick. There are millions of bacteria inside you making you feel awful. You take an antibiotic so you can feel better. Some of the bacteria inside of you are killed by the antibiotic, but others are susceptible.Your antibiotic kills the susceptible bacteria in your body. It also kills all the good bacteria that are always living inside you.
Once this happens, the resistant bacteria no longer has any competition. Since the resistant guy doesn't have to worry about fighting off any other bacteria, he can dedicate all of his energy to reproducing. This is how we end up with mutant "super bugs."
Strains of at least 3 bacteria capable of causing life threatening disease are now resistant to every antibiotic we have access to. Some communicable diseases, including tuberculosis and MRSA, are now on the rise again partially due to antibiotic resistance.
What does this have to do with my food?
I have bored you enough, so I will let this cartoon do the talking:This doesn't just apply to livestock. Antibiotics are present in manure which is used to grow fruits and vegetables, which then absorb the antibiotic. Choosing foods without antibiotics can help reverse the problem of antibiotic resistance.
Here is what you should look for:
Both of these labels guarantee that animals were raised on organic feed, hay and pasture. No antibiotics or synthetic hormones are given to these animals. Yes, they are going to be a little more expensive. To combat the added cost, consume high quality meat a few times per week, and add more vegetarian meals into your routine. (Did you know that Americans eat 10-12 times more meat than the average person worldwide?)
Here are two major American meat brands that are sold in grocery stores for you to keep an eye out for. And you don't have to go to specialty food stores like Whole Foods to find them, either!
Applegate Farms
Kroger and Meijer
Organic Prairie
Jungle Jim's and Biggs
Fruits and Vegetables
Certified organic fruits and vegetables are grown without the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and antibiotics. Make sure that you look for the USDA certified organic seal when you purchase fruits and vegetables at your grocery store.
It isn't necessary to purchase all of your produce organic. Fruits and vegetables with skin that we eat, as well as those grown completely underground are much more susceptible to absorbing antibiotics from their environment. As a general rule of thumb, you can follow this guide:
Again, organic fruits and vegetables may be slightly higher in cost. I have always had good luck finding reasonably priced organic produce at Kroger, Meijer, and Trader Joe's. Sometimes you can even find organic produce in Kroger's 10/$10 ads!
If you can't stomach the added cost, try to wash your produce thoroughly before you eat it to remove any antibiotic residue that may be present on the food.
In Conclusion
For the average person, it is impossible to eat organic or grass fed all the time. It's all about making smart choices when you are able. For instance, I choose not to eat meat, and I buy my produce and milk organic whenever possible. I also try to eat at restaurants that use locally sourced and organic ingredients.Choosing antibiotic free foods is just one way to protect yourself. Don't demand that your doctor put you on an antibiotic when they don't think it's necessary, and finish antibiotics when they are prescribed. Don't share antibiotics with friends or family. Wash your hands with regular soap that doesn't contain an antibacterial agent.
If we as a society don't begin to reverse the antibiotic resistance problem, bacteria that were once easily killed could become unstoppable killers.
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